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Meet Calem

Hello! I just thought I would introduce myself and my two pups :) I'm Calem and I am a dog trainer who is truly passionate about giving owners the tools and knowledge to thrive with their pets. To my left is Cricket, my American Staffy and to the right is Lola, my German Shepherd.


These two have played a vital role in helping me discover my passion for dog training. Throughout this process, with the help of some of the industry's leading dog trainers, I have had to face many challenges, mistakes, downs and ups but I must say, it is truly fascinating understanding how they each think and learn in such different ways. 


I have tried many jobs but I believe dog training has always been my calling! 
At one job, I was known as the one they would send to houses with dangerous dogs (even if it was to clean their pool) whilst at another one, my manager questioned why I was stuck behind a desk but was putting all my spare time and efforts into learning about anything dog related. These experiences really made me recognise how passionate I am about dog training. 


My journey with Lola has been a steep learning curve, she started showing signs of reactivity and major resource-guarding from a very young age. With the guidance of some amazing trainers, I was able to ensure that we could manage these issues. For many owners, the first step is being able to accept that not every dog is social and they don't have to be. Although she is not perfect, I am very proud of Lola and you will surely be seeing some of her fun tricks and how she thrives in the near future!


Cricket came along a bit further down the track in my dog training journey. He was placed into a boarding kennel at 5 months of age and after a long 6 months, he was never picked up. At this point, he was bouncing off the walls with no training, he didn't even know his name. Despite all these issues, I took him in and could see the sweet boy that was behind all these undesirable behaviours and I couldn't have been more correct! He did come with some challenges though, one of them being his severe resource-guarding habits which made him a danger to the other dogs. With structure, training, and exercise, he is now thriving and the sookiest dog I've ever met. I couldn't be prouder of the dog he has become.  


Other than being passionate about allowing dogs to thrive and be happy, I am also eager to help people with their dogs and allow them to live more harmoniously. I always love following up with people I've helped and hearing about how they're progressing with their new tools and knowledge and hearing their excitement about the steps they have taken. All the new adventures they can go on with their dogs or the freedoms they can give them!


One of my clients was so pleased that her walks could be enjoyable again with the anxiety of being dragged behind or her dog lunging at other dogs, animals, and particularly bunnies being relieved. The excitement she expressed about the day she will be able to take her pup to cafes with her was inspiring! The progress they have made since working with me has been incredible and I couldn't be prouder of her and her pup. 


Within 2023, I have also been able to attain my Cert III in Dog Behaviour and Training through the National Dog Training Federation where I was able to further enhance and strengthen my skills whilst gaining valuable knowledge from Andrew Clarke and Glenn Cooke. 

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